Sunday, November 2, 2008


sometimes we think happiness is like an object. Objects can be bought, you can have them at home, you can see them everyday if you want and you can use it whenever. However, happiness is not so... you can neither buy it, nor possess it. You have to get it, in order to be happy you need to accept yourself, you need to see the other's good intentions instead of judging. You also have to get rid of prejudice...
This is why, happiness is a challenge and once you get it, you have to keep it, because its value cannot be measured...
Have a nice day!


Svyadov said...

Paraphrasing Gandhi:

"There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way."

Wayfarer said...

My master, you're so great :lord: I wanna be like you!

myself said...

Avui m'has emocionat tu amb aquestes reflexions tan ben plantejades...
Sempre intentar ser feliç... aquest hauria de ser el nostre objectiu i el nostre camí a la vida.
Moltes gràcies per les teves belles paraules!
Un petó!