Saturday, November 29, 2008
Do you know what you want?
Sometimes you say what you want to do and people believe you. However, this is not what you really want to do, but the others do not know. It is then when I ask why? are you aware of what you're doing? what's the point in lying to yourself? because after all, the others will forget about it, but what about you? do you believe what you say? and after doing things are you happy with them? given the chance would you go back and change it? sometimes I don't really know what I want, I don't know where to go. Sometimes I know what I want but I don't have the strength needed to go for it. Shall I leave everything and follow my instincts? is it worth living an unhappy life? shall we take al possible risks but do what we really want regardless of society? leave the world apart and be yourself
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1 comment:
Puc comprendre perfectament el que expresses perquè també m'he sentit així i aquests dubtes que presentes en forma de pregunta són dubtes que he tingut i tinc. Però serveix de poc capficar-se en el que no pots canviar. Potser la solució és el que tu mateixa dius «leave the world apart and be yourself».
T'expresses amb una claredat indefugible. El teu post és profund, fa pensar i reflexionar i no dóna peu a confusions. És un post sincer i com sempre va directe al quid de la qüestió. Continua així i com sempre et seguiré!
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