Sunday, November 30, 2008
you were longing for freedom. You thought, when I grow older I'm gonna be free, I want freedom I need it. All of a sudden, you grow up and you have that desired freedom. How are you going to deal with it? now you have no limits, no restrictions, you can do whatever. Was it better when you had rules? where you happier then? is your life a complete chaos now? in this case, what do you want? what do you expect in life? what do you need? you have everything but you still are empty... it seems that your inner peace is gone... will you get it again? who is ruling your life now? is freedom good? if not, what do we need? will be ever be happy?
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la llibertat en sí, és una mica complexa. No sé si jo si és millor que hi hagi normes, de fet sempre n'hi ha i normalment estan imposades i poques vegades estan consensuades, cosa que penso que tot funcionaria una mica millor. Però a vegades la coacció no dóna la felicitat (segons per què). Petonets!!!
La llibertat és un repte perquè no estem preparats per assumir-la de cop. Hem d'aprendre a controlar-la perquè no se'ns escapi de les mans, potser.
Un petó!
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