Monday, December 22, 2008

and winter came...

The shortest day in the year, the darkest, the coldest, the most special one: December 21st, winter knocks on the door and is here to stay. Winter never comes alone. Christmas and Winter walk hand-in-hand, so do holidays. At least for the lucky ones, like me. I needed holidays, I was longing for them more than ever. Sometimes you need to stop, you cannot rush anymore, you want to look around, you still have to learn. How beautiful nature is! You need time to reflect, to think, to self-introspect... you need to find your inner answers that remain unanswered. No more excuses: Christmas is the time to stay with your family, at home, rest... and also to be alone, at least for some minutes: self-reliance!!
Merry Christmas to you all!


Wayfarer said...

Thank you Logos, you were the source of my inspiration today!!

l0g0s said...

Beautiful, lovely, it sounds like music to my eyes. :D

Wayfarer said...

Wow, logos :) Thank you so much :)

Xitus said...

A very true post. Time to look inside and identify those things that represent overweight to our soul. Merry Christmas to you Wayfarer!

myself said...

Tens tota la raó Wayfarer. Temps per repensar-te i retrobar-te com quasi sempre que tens vacances. Quan pares i no tens res urgent per fer és quan pots pensar en tu mateix. La resta de l'any només et deixes portar, tot sovint.
Molts petons i Bon Nadal!