Saturday, March 21, 2009

Don't let tomorrow erase the present

When I was younger I thought, I'd love to be 20, cause I'd have no problems at all. Now, too many concerns are in my head... is there a time when humankind reaches happiness?? Is happiness a goal? or just the way?? We may be obsessed in looking for it, but it should find us. We should take advantage of every single moment, which will be no more, we should be happy TODAY!! we shouldn't allow the future blur our present... The present is here, the future is uncertain... enjoy your day: CARPE DIEM


myself said...

I think we don't have to be obsess to find hapiness because what we have to look for is our balance in life. I'm going to try to follow your advice I hope you can enjoy your present, too.
Best wishes,

Wayfarer said...

as usual... you're right! Have a nice day :)

Xavicinoscar said...

Doncs si: aprofitar el moment que el futur ja vindrà. T'he d'agrair, no només el toc catàrtic dels teus escrits, sinó el poder, consells i reflexions de les teves (nostres) converses. Gràcies.
I ja ho saps: you're the one! Saluts.